You see, the fairer sex needs the perfect handbag for the perfect occasion. For example, what we look for in a work handbag is different from what we need from a casual weekend bag, which of course is totally different from evening handbags.
And even within the world of a certain type of handbags, different situations call for the need of different functions. eg A weekend handbag for a quick-and-short-meet-up-with-friends is not the same as a handbag for a spend-the-whole-day-shopping-with-friends situation.
So this time, the trouble was trying to get *Shinta to understand why I needed another camera bag. The object of my desire this time was a
Kelly Moore bag designed specifically for ladies.
~début~ ![](
*Shinta: (
in stubborn tone, not willing to give in so easily) I don't see why you need another camera bag...
KK: (
cautiously, trying to decide approach) I don't have a bag like this... It will hold all my camera things nicely...
*Shinta: Didn't we buy you a
Crumpler specifically for your camera stuff?
KK: I will use Crumpler when I need to bring out all my heavy duty gear. This one will be when I just want to bring the main SLR only.
*Shinta: Why can't you use your Crumpler still? Or my
KK: Because the Crumpler and your Lowepro are heavy duty bulk camera bags. I need something for when I go shopping or travel for work and don't want others to know I am carrying a SLR.
*Shinta: (
considers for a while) But you have (many) casual shopping bag(s). Why can't you put your camera in that? You can use your little Lowepro...
KK: (
quick to retort) Because that's a shopping bag. It can't carry/protect the camera properly. And the Lowepro won't fit inside my other bags with my wallet and blackberry and sunglasses and handphone and...
*Shinta: (
interrupts) But this one won't protect it as well as the Crumpler!
KK: (
slight hint of panic in voice) But this is just nice! I can use it for both shopping with or without the camera.. I can also use it to carry the camera...
*Shinta: (
decides to be nice) Ah.. do you mean to say its a "dual-use" bag, whereas your other bags are not?
KK: (
sees ray of hope and quickly agrees) Yes! It's dual use!!!
pause*Shinta: (
in a "pretending to be nice" tone) Since this is a lady's bag, does that mean when we travel or go out together you will use this bag for the camera and I don't have to carry it in my bag?
KK: (
cautiously, sensing a trap) er... I will use this bag when I go shopping and want to bring the SLR... (
continues for the sake of being honest) ... but anyway you carry my ladies handbags for me now anyway, when they get too heavy.
pause*Shinta: (
pretends to consider) But you will use it. And its dual-use.
KK: Yes. Dual use. So that when I travel without you and want to bring my SLR, I can just use one bag instead of two.
*Shinta: Fine.
KK rejoices not so silently